2014 December

Advocate Dec14 cvr ezine

Articles in this issue:

Shifting burdens, shifting sands

A look at case law that can help you get through the barrier of summary judgment

Sharon J. Arkin

2014 December

Appealing without a transcript of the trial

Appealing without a transcript of the trial

To appeal without a transcript from a court reporter, an “agreed statement” may be your only course of action

Donna Bader

2014 December

Why not a Bane Act claim?

Enacted to combat hate crimes and often used in police misconduct cases, The Bane Act is a useful if little known tool

Holly Boyer

2014 December

Eight tips to keep your case in the ring

Eight tips to keep your case in the ring

Plaintiffs seldom move for summary judgment but the defense sees it as a knockout round

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2014 December

The Statement of Decision

The Statement of Decision

Don’t leave a court trial without it!

Herb Fox

2014 December

Deposing defense medical experts to lock down their opinions

A step-by-step guide to the strategy of deposing the defense medical expert

Stuart Fraenkel

2014 December

Ethical lapses that lead to malpractice claims

A look at the nexus of State Bar Rules and legal malpractice claims

William Newkirk

2014 December

What trial teaches us about discovery

What trial teaches us about discovery

How to analyze defendant’s motion in limine to exclude evidence not produced in discovery

Al Stoll

2014 December

The One-Day Jury Trial

The One-Day Jury Trial

California’s effort to preserve the 7th Amendment

Hon. Steven Perk
Eric V. Traut

2014 December

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