Evangeline Fisher Grossman

Evangeline Fisher Grossman

Evangeline Fisher Grossman has practiced plaintiffs’ insurance bad faith law for 23 years. She is the managing partner of Evangeline Fisher Grossman Law in Claremont, California. She has handled thousands of insurance bad-faith property cases. She is a former partner of Shernoff Bidart Echeverria, LLP and was a finalist for Trial Lawyer of the Year for the Consumer Attorneys of California in 2014. She is a graduate of Occidental College and Santa Clara Law School. She can be contacted at egrossman@efglawyer.com.

Articles written by this author:

The loss-settlement provision in a homeowner’s insurance policy: It matters

A look at claims payments for loss of dwellings and personal property, including calculations for replacement cost, actual-cash-value and depreciation

Evangeline Fisher Grossman

2016 September

Bad faith, genuine dispute, and the “expert safe-harbor”

How insurance companies use biased experts to deny and underpay claims, and what to do about it

Evangeline Fisher Grossman
Christopher Dion

2017 September

Property-loss litigation for homeowners

Property-loss litigation for homeowners

A practical guide to representation of homeowners against their insurers

Evangeline Fisher Grossman
Tonna K. Farrar

2019 June

Financial elder abuse and insurance

Financial elder abuse and insurance

Successful litigation of financial elder abuse may include treble damages and attorney’s fees awards

Tonna K. Farrar
Evangeline Fisher Grossman

2019 September