2023 December

FC Advo Dec23 EZINE

Articles in this issue:
Now what?

Now what?

Unusual conundrums during pendency of an appeal

Janet R. Gusdorff

2023 December

Congratulations, you just won at trial! Now, what’s next?

Immediate steps you must take once the verdict is announced

Rowena J. Dizon

2023 December

The “how to” for motions to compel

Motions to compel are powerful tools to educate opposing counsel on – and enforce – discovery obligations

Taylor R. Porter

2023 December

The name Is Bond, Appellate Bond

A surety bond will be required in most appeals; an overview of the options available to stay execution of judgment

David Zarmi

2023 December

Maintaining deposition decorum

The role of discovery motions in a post-COVID-19 world; how to handle improper deposition objections

Steven M. Schuetze
Clare Lucich

2023 December

When error is not enough

Prejudicial error – a Constitutional standard – is the only basis upon which the Court of Appeal can reverse a lower court’s decision

Herb Fox

2023 December

How to save your neck

Tips for a neck-friendly ergonomic workstation

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2023 December

Precluding bad evidence in a spine-injury case

Precluding bad evidence in a spine-injury case

Using motions in limine to keep out defense evidence that lacks probative value but muddies the waters — sub rosa photos and videos

Travis Davis

2023 December

Avoid unnecessary motion practice

There are inevitable motions and then there are unnecessary ones that could have been a stipulation

2023 December

From Day of Dignity to the Great Tryke Giveaway

Making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate in our communities

Karina Lallande
Michelle M. West

2023 December

Holding bad actors accountable for killing and injuring Americans

We’re fighting federal preemption, seeking reform in truck accident litigation, and vigorously supporting the right to a jury trial

Linda A. Lipsen

2023 December

Explaining the civil justice system

With 30 new legislators, building relationships and educating them on civil justice was quite the task

Nancy Peverini

2023 December

A look back at our year’s accomplishments

OCTLA is bigger and stronger than one year ago

Lindsey Aitken

2023 December

What a beautiful, chaotic world

A beautiful year of firsts, emotions, learning, connecting, and growing

2023 December

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